World Circus Day 2023

World Circus Day: Celebrating the History, Performers, and Props of the Greatest Show on Earth

World Circus Day is an international celebration of circus arts held annually on the third Saturday of April. The day was established to raise awareness of circus arts and to promote the role of circus in the arts and culture sector. The day is celebrated worldwide with circus performances, workshops, and other related events. In this article, we’ll explore the history of World Circus Day, its significance, and the different ways it’s celebrated around the world.

Vintage circus poster advertising an exciting show with daring performers and amazing acts

History of World Circus Day:

World Circus Day was first celebrated in 2010. It was initiated by the World Circus Federation (WCF) to mark the 250th anniversary of the modern circus. The first modern circus was established in London in 1768 by Philip Astley, who is often referred to as the father of the modern circus. Since then, circus arts have evolved significantly, with new and innovative acts being added to the repertoire.

Significance of World Circus Day:

World Circus Day is an important event that celebrates the creativity, diversity, and cultural significance of circus arts. Circus arts encompass a wide range of skills, including acrobatics, juggling, aerial acts, and clowning. Circus arts have a long and rich history, and they have played an important role in entertainment and culture around the world. World Circus Day helps to raise awareness of the art form and to promote its continued growth and development.  Celebrating world circus day protects and connects us with this important part of our shared cultural heritage.

How is World Circus Day celebrated?

World Circus Day is celebrated in a variety of ways around the world. Many circuses offer special performances and workshops to mark the occasion. Other events include exhibitions, talks, and demonstrations of circus skills. Circus schools may also offer open days or taster sessions to encourage people to try circus skills for themselves.

FAQ's about World Circus Day

The World Circus Federation (WCF) is the international governing body for circus arts. It was founded in 1957 and represents circus organizations from around the world.

World Circus Day is celebrated annually on the third Saturday of April.

The purpose of World Circus Day is to raise awareness of circus arts and to promote the role of circus in the arts and culture sector.

World Circus Day is celebrated in a variety of ways around the world, including special performances, workshops, exhibitions, and demonstrations of circus skills.

Fun Circus Facts for World Circus Day

Image of the father of circus Philip Astley performing one of his tricks with his horses

Philip Astley

The modern circus was born in London in 1768, when a former cavalry officer named Philip Astley began performing equestrian shows in a circular arena.

Everything's a circle

The word “circus” comes from the Latin word “circus,” which means “ring” or “circle.”

Roller boller fun for active fest in our circus play space

In the Early Days

In the early days of the circus, performers were often people with physical disabilities or unusual physical characteristics, such as bearded ladies, giants, and dwarfs.

This is Clémentine Delait Clattaux (1865–1934), the Bearded Woman from Thaon-les-Vosges, France. She did not suffer from her extreme hirsutism, but used it to her advantage. Her beard started to grow when she turned 18 and at the age of 25 she decided to stop shaving her beard and let it grow.

Clementine Delait Bearded lady from 20th Century

Under the big top

Joshuah Purdy was the first to use a large tent for his circus, in 1825.

Colourful striped red and white big top tent at a circus flying two flags from the centrs poles against a cloudy sky. Bif top tent at a circus. Canvas, entertainment, marquee, performing, striped, tent, acts

In the Early Days

The circus reached the height of its popularity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus was known as “The Greatest Show on Earth.”

PT Barnum the greatest show on Earth poster

Individual acts

Circus performers often developed their own unique personas or characters, such as the clown, the strongman, or the high-wire walker.

andy roundabout circus central coast nsw

P.T. Barnum

One of the most famous circus performers of all time was P.T. Barnum, who founded the Barnum & Bailey Circus and is credited with inventing many of the advertising and publicity techniques still used by circuses today.

Portrait of PT Barnum one of the most famous circus performers of all time

Top influnencers of their day

The circus has had a significant influence on popular culture, inspiring everything from music and film to fashion and art.

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Animals in the Circus

In recent years, there has been growing concern about the treatment of animals in circuses, leading many circuses to shift their focus to human performers and acrobats.

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Turning Warfare to Wonder

Some circus props were originally designed for military purposes! Yes, it is true that some circus props were developed from weapons. Many of the skills and techniques used in circus performance, such as juggling and balancing, were originally developed for military training and combat. In some cases, actual weapons were adapted or transformed into circus props.


For example, the Chinese diabolo, a type of juggling prop that involves spinning a spool-like device on a string, is thought to have originated from a type of weapon called the Chinese yo-yo. The diabolo was used as a training tool for soldiers to improve their hand-eye coordination and dexterity.


Similarly, the Indian club, a type of juggling club, was originally a weapon used in Persian and Indian warfare. The clubs were made of wood or metal and were used for training in hand-to-hand combat.


Other circus props that have military origins include the balancing pole, which was originally used in military drills to help soldiers develop balance and coordination, and the tightrope, which was used by ancient warriors as a way to cross rivers and ravines.


Over time, these weapons were transformed into entertainment props, and their military origins were largely forgotten. Today, they are an integral part of circus performance, and they continue to captivate audiences with their skill and artistry.

School holiday activities central coast nsw a student shows how diablo skills can boost brain developmen and mental stimulation as well as improving balance

World Circus Day is a fun and exciting event that celebrates the creativity and cultural significance of circus arts. It provides an opportunity to learn more about the history of circus and to appreciate the diverse range of skills that make up this art form. Whether you’re a seasoned circus performer or simply curious about the world of circus, World Circus Day is a great opportunity to get involved and experience the magic of circus for yourself.

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